We can help you with all non-technical aspects of your EU-funded project

Grants from the EU can help your idea turn into a reality. But money from the EU is public money, therefore, it needs to be spent in accordance with certain guidelines. In the case of Horizon 2020, these guidelines come in the form of an almost 900-page document called the Annotated Model Grant Agreement. And it is still growing.

Not everyone has the resources in-house to be up-to-date about the provisions of the grant agreement. We can help you ensure compliance and smooth running of your project so that you can focus on the technical implementation.

When you need help

Any project has its peak periods - be it around a report submission deadline or a major public event. Traditional employment arrangements often lack the flexibility to make the necessary resources available when you need them. I provide assistance on-demand - from answering a quick question about the eligility of a cost item to organizing in-person project meetings.

Specialist knowledge

When you apply for a grant, what you care about is to take your idea to the next level. However, the grant comes with a number of additional requirements including periodic technical and financial reporting, dissemination of project results to name just a few. You need to use special (online) tools and apply pre-defined formats, which also change over time.

If this sounds all daunting to you, and you want to focus on your technical work, I'll be there to pro-actively remind you of the requirements and help you comply.

See more details

Everybody on the same page

One of the challenges of collaborative projects is to keep every partner engaged. There are better ways to get the message through than sending out countless of e-mails.

The collaboration management tool I use ensures that all vital information about the project is quickly accessible and you can get up-to-date about a specific issue with just a couple of clicks.

Watch a short demo of the collaboration tool

News from the world of public funding


New funding opportunities, tips on successful project management, practical application of selected funding rules.

Funding programmes where we offer assistance

Choose your level of support

Do you need occasional help with specific provisions of the Grant Agreement? Do you need assistance to cover for the parental leave of one of your employees? Or, do you need end-to-end project management services? I have a solution for all these scenarios.

free to try

For a limited time, I am offering a 30-minute consultation session for free to discuss the issues you are facing in your Horizon 2020 project.