Project development assistance for regions seeking to implement hydrogen project

UK participation in H2020 after BREXIT
February 12, 2020
UK participation in H2020 after BREXIT
February 12, 2020

The FCH JU wants to support ten local authorities from across the European Union to develop their concepts for regional hydrogen and fuel cell (FCH) projects into detailed work plans. These projects will accelerate the progress of hydrogen deployment in Europe by providing a blueprint to other regional hydrogen projects, as part of a drive towards carbon neutrality.

From the 16th January 2020 until the 27th February 2020 the PDA-Regions EOI-call will be open to all interested municipalities, districts, regions and metropolitan areas within the European Union and associated countries. Ten successful applicants will be selected to receive support developing their project work plans. Successful applicants will receive assistance in the form of time from a dedicated consultant and project manager with experience in the geographic region of the project and hydrogen project development. The budgeted time available is expected to be in the range 40-85 person-days in total.