The Next EU Research & Innovation Investment Programme (2021 – 2027) – Horizon Europe

UK participation in H2020 after BREXIT
February 12, 2020
What happens in Horizon 2020 related to the Covid-19 outbreak
April 8, 2020
UK participation in H2020 after BREXIT
February 12, 2020
What happens in Horizon 2020 related to the Covid-19 outbreak
April 8, 2020

Horizon Europe, is the EU’s next funding programme for research and innovation. It will run from 2021 to 2027 with a proposed budget of €100 billion. Though not every detail has been agreed on by the different bodies of the EU, the Commission has started preparations for the implementation of Horizon Europe.

What is known so far

Horizon Europe will be based on three pillars

  • Excellent Science – The first pillar will fund excellence in science and reinforce EU scientific leadership through the European Research Council (ERC)
  • Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness – This second pillar is aimed at improving industrial competitiveness and addressing Europe’s most pressing societal challenges including the following fields: health, culture, creativity and inclusive society, digital, Industry and space, climate, energy and mobility, to name just a few.
  • Innovative Europe – The third pillar will stimulate market-creating breakthroughs and ecosystems conducive to innovation.

All three pillars are essential for Europe’s social and economic prosperity.

Simplification of rules

Simplification has always been a main talking point ever since framework programmes exist. Some changes are definitely planned for Horizon 2020 but if they actually qualify as simplification, we are still yet to see. This is what we are looking at now:

  • Increased use of simplified forms of grants where appropriate (building on the H2020 lump sum pilot experience)
  • Broader acceptance of usual cost accounting practices
  • Enhanced cross-reliance on audits benefiting beneficiaries taking part in several Union programmes