LIFE programme – help shape its future

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The LIFE programme is the funding instrument of the EU for the environment and climate action. The current funding period 2014-2020 has a budget of €3.4 billion.

The new LIFE programme will run from 2021 to 2027 and it will also include a Clean Energy Transition sub-programme. The European Commission has now launched an online questionnaire to consult stakeholders on the implementation of the programme.

LIFE will help Europe deliver the ambitions of the European Green Deal, by working towards:

  • a circular, energy-efficient, renewable energy-based, climate-neutral and resilient economy
  • the protection and improvement of the quality of the environment

The Clean Energy Transition sub-programme of LIFE will be a continuation of the market uptake activities, currently funded under Horizon 2020. It will help support EU legislation and policies by various activities including dissemination of knowledge and acquiring new skills in energy efficiency and renewable energy.

The first Multiannual Work Programme (2021-2024) is currently being drawn up and the European Commission has now launched an online questionnaire to consult stakeholders on the implementation of the programme. Not only organizations but also individuals interested in shaping the future of the LIFE Programme are welcome to participate and complete the questionnaire. The findings of the questionnaire will be taken into consideration when preparing the Multiannual Work Programme (2021-2024) for LIFE.

The online questionnaire is now open and you can share your opinion until 27 April 2020.