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Views in the tool

The online collaboration tool has been designed to provide a live platform to keep all project partners engaged, to monitor the progress of the project and help with reporting.

The tool is highly customizable to meet individual needs. The description here is based on a typical H2020 project.

Work Packages

The work package view enables you to see all items (ie. deliverables, milestones, tasks, meetings, forums etc.) related to a given work package providing you with quick access to the satuses of all building blocks forming that work package. You can, of course, see basic data like WP leader, duration, budget (consumption), staff efforts (consumption), type etc.


Deliverables are the most important means of monitoring and verifying the progress of a project. With this tool you can filter deliverables by their status (completed, on-going - in time, on-going-delayed etc.), their owner, work package association, due date, start date etc. The deliverable app also allows you to set up other fields that you think are important to keep track of the deliverables.


The milestones view, again, gives you a quick overview of all milestones that can be filtered by a number of criteria such as their status, work packagae association, owner, due date etc. One of the most important strengths of the tool is that cross-references between the varios components of a project allow you dig down to all the details of your interest only with a few mouse clicks.


Forums can be set up by work packages or deliverables or by other guiding principles. This is where exchanges between partners take place by exchanging ideas, sharing working documents, commenting on the draft versions etc. Forums, of course, are linked to other apps, so if you want to see what forums are associated with a deliverable, all you need to do is to click on that deliverable.


Meetings can be face-to-face or via a teleconference. With this app you can keep track of who are attending, what deliverable, work package etc. the meeting is associated with. Complete with a teleconferencing tool and Google maps.


There is a dedicated app for taking minutes and they can be sorted by the meetings they belong to or the deliverable/work package they are associated with so when you check the progress of a work package, you can also meetings as related items.

And that's not all

In addition to the already built-in Project files and Contacts apps, the tool can accomodate further functions. Quartely internal reports are sometimes used to monitor more closely the progress of the project, or, business cases can be presented to prepare for decisions to be made by the project consortium - all these requirements can be met by setting up a new app.

Are you missing some functionality?

Again, the functions described here are applicable to a typical arrangement for an H2020 project but it can be tailored to your specific needs. If you want to learn more about the tool and how I can help you manage your projects with this, please do not hesitate to contact me at

The collaboration tool is built on Podio a subscription-based service.

Reporting made easy

Since everyting is stored in one place in a well-structured way, it makes a big difference when it comes to collecting materials for the reporting. The collaboration tool provides for the continuous monitoring of the progress of the project so there are no surprises when it is time to prepare periodic reports.

Reduce the number of emails

When you send and receive countless emails each day, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of everyday tasks. The Task feature in the tool allows you assign a task to a specific person related to a work package, a deliverable, or any other item in the tool together with a deadline, and you can monitor if a task has been completed. No need to go through a long thread of emails as the status of all tasks is just a click away.

All reference materials available

A multi-annual, multi-partner project inevitably creates a lot of documents that may even evolve in time. The Grant Agreement, the Consortium Agreement and the eventual amendment documents need to be stored in a place that are easily accessible for the whole consortium. The presentations and the minutes of meetings are conveniently uploaded to the relevant folders. The financial guidelines, the deliverables template, etc. are just a few reference materials that partners need to consult with on a regular basis.