Project meetings

Web meetings and in-person meetings

Meetings are the main instruments to monitor progress and make decisions. Most projects have different bodies that deal with different aspects of the project. The General Assembly is normally the main decision-making body that meets once or twice a year. The Steering Committee is the operative body that holds sessions once a month - this is the main forum where all project-related issues are raised and discussed in order to ensure the progress of the project according to plan. Specific tasks, e.g. an unforeseen event in a work package, require specific subgroups of the consortium to meet for a specific period of time.

Organizing an in-person meeting needs a significant amount of time and effort - making sure that everybody who needs to be there can actually be there. The venue needs to be accessible for all project partners and be reasonable in price. For web meetings, you need to have reliable web conferencing tools.

All that is discussed in meetings needs to be recorded in minutes/memos and needs to be distributed to partners. And, what is most important, decisions need to be followed up and adhered to.